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I sent them the Madden 20 coins IPs my


I sent them the Madden 20 coins IPs my notebook connected to faculty wifi and house wifi to show that any of mine occurred not than the purchase. They essentially just said"Just pay the 80+ bucks we needed to refund the card owner and we'll unlock your account, we don't believe that you did not do so". Never again will I spend another dime on or second that's profiting jagex.

Can I just say compared to jagex, many other"MOBILE GAMES", and im afraid that osrs is a mobile game today, charge far more than 11 dollars a month for access to all articles. I remeber if dungeon hunter 5 was newish, and even then you had to cover anyhwere from 60 to 90 lbs to unlock the very best armour ingame, which would be replaced in the upcoming few months. And no other portable game will NEVER EVER have an choice to convert IN-GAME currency into a service that is paid.

Games such as this are a rarity and only other games that are this f2p friendly are some mobas where personalities are available with earnable money, and eternium are that they are very market in terms exactly what they provide. Enjoy your match, bruh, and respect that they really listened to you guys, rather than shitposting.I agree, bots are everywhere. In f2p worlds the resource spots are heavily botted. New runescape players might think that updating is your reply to solving this. Surely people will not pay money for membership just to bot, but sadly that is true and with bonds it is much simpler than ever.

Is the report system. Personally, I feel that some of these report reasons choices do not explain anything, it appears with current posts such as that man being prohibited for PKing that a streamer is considered harassment in how they killed them. How does someone be harassed by one? I understand if someone is constantly following someone around a resource area despite being to share simply to prevent another runescape player from taking it because it sounds"humorous".

What is harassment considered by the mods? Also verbal abuse? Runescape game has a block button, runescape game has a filter for"no words" How can it be justified to prohibit someone for harassment/verbal misuse Mut 20 coins when there are multiple items in sport to prevent it. Block them, if you don't like what someone is saying. Turn the filter if you don't like swear words.

So our goods is the cheapest.welcome to:




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