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To say most abilities are useless in RS gold

To say most abilities are useless in RS gold is merely a legitimate statement if you expect there to never be any updates to Runescape ever again. By way of example, let us say RS adds a new ore which needs 95 mining to gather, and it's 10x more precious than a runite ore. If you just had 85 mining since runite ore and never leveled beyond it, you'd have to devote a loooong time to have that 95 mining necessity to mine the ore that is new, provided that in actuality, the costs of the new ore will have spiked considerably by the time you reach 95 mining. So yes, it is beneficial to train past the maximum grade of gatherables/craftables.

You twisting the points of everyone around in every single comment you post and are absolutely beating round the bush. Like how you mention items being high then crashing because that's how it's. That was just my point, and the fact I never mentioned smithing. They added amethyst and the thing occurred how I mentioned. Players with 92 mining made a killing and players that didn't have it wasn't sold by it for its summit price by the time. Because the situation happened in game so you is immaterial. You then bring up alchmate if 75% of those osrs players use it.

Which was precisely my point about high alching, you are never going to find an item with good margins that lasts for over 24 hrs since players will constantly buy out the distribution until the rates are no more profitable buy RuneScape gold, because high alching pushes the market for items which would normally be worthless and prevents them from bottoming out like a dead stock would in real life. High alching gives an artificial demand to seemingly useless things thus keeping older content relevant and creating the rs market as a whole a lot diverse and different than other mmos, where most mmos are equipment treadmills where items will gradually become useless and totally irrelevant in time because of power creep and the industry inflation that follows.



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