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you're willing to RS gold

My advice to you is: if you're willing to RS gold spend the time to get to a place at which you can have fun and do whatever you want, if you would like, then do it. When you reach this time, you will love runescape and you'll never overlook. When I'm old and have children, if they ever ask me what my favorite game of all time is/was, I shall always reply runescape.Jagex is a great company that has made several critical mistakes, but they have learned from their mistakes and listen to the community more (particularly in oldschool runescape). If you want a game where the founders will hear you and make upgrades based off the majority, runescape is your game.If you would like to play, go ahead. You will love it.

Runescape is the definition of"blood, sweat and tears" to be able to achieve exactly what you need (in a videogame sense). You need to grind out certain stats to do quests, supervisors, minigames, etc.. But hell, these grinds were the best times.Wars were how the clans were ranked, membership and that numbers. Wars were spectacular affairs. There were F2P and p2p wars. Rankings were decided by the success of an f2p war, as f2p wars were uncooked, you had stats, amounts, and every participant needed to know how to use their conduct gauges their fullest to buy your clan the most time.When war was announced both clans would decide a time and date to the struggle and allow the community know it was going to occur. The clan community website was something named RSC? I think, I can not remember and the following weeks leading up to the struggle would be buy RuneScape gold filled with talk, excitement and practice.



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