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who'd love wow private server gold

So I stand. The simple fact is that there are A LOT of quite TOXIC men and women from the area and the developer world who'd love to completely screw up wow private server gold - and then when nobody wishes to play with it because it stinks like the present game, they will laugh and say:"See we told you would not enjoy Vanilla." And I also believe there are a few individuals working at Activision who'd genuinely like to say"We tried to tell you:"You feel you do, however, you don't."

Regional realms would be the choice, although I'm sorry. You clearly do not understand why. Competition is always good. . .and between areas with servers competition. Eliminate, and you remove one part of the competition. But competition is good, cooperation is excellent. What cooperation would be involving, let us say, one being American 6 guilds, one Chinese, one Japanese, one Australian, one Russians and one Swedish? There will be at best, or NONE, minimal.

You want, PERSONALLY, to play with Americans. Just do not ask ME to take a CHANGE which you WANT.I want a FUCKLOADS of adjustments in WoW Classic, but that I will never accept ANY. . .because FUCK CHANGES ! Furthermore, private servers ARE NOT VANILLA as you need to trust that. If you would like Russians who don't speak Chinese buy wow classic gold farmers, Europeans that you are never going to fulfilled go play servers. Keep this SHIT don't bring it.



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