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while the raid was RS gold announced

The irony is that while gamers hated the'closing' armor revealed earlier this season, they adored the prototypes shown while the raid was  RS gold announced. Initially, the Justicar armor was bulkier and part of a trio of armor sets, West tells me, but as the Theatre of Blood went from obscure concept to real material, the armor shifted with it. Participants said there was sufficient DPS gear but not enough tank equipment, so it was narrowed down to just one armor set. And when they were only going to use one group, Jagex figured they might also create a new one based on the armor worn with the raid's huge poor.

Inspired from the memes and motivated by elements of West's designs and other players' ideas, legend_arts created a hybrid armor layout so good it not only silenced the memes, it got the attention of West himself.

"What the memes brought"

"When I first pitched into the community over Twitch, I had been anticipating a bit of a response," West says. "Because when you're showing best-in-slot items, you've either got no response--which is exactly what you're aiming for really because so they're happy--or you get a very loud response which, as we have all seen on Reddit, is exactly what occurred. Of course, what I didn't anticipate was to get another artist to pop in. However, when Legend_Arts posted his concept where he left it bright and shiny, it made like 10,000 upvotes on Reddit, which is why I subsequently went on buy RuneScape gold the livestream to let them see me build it."



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