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I think it should rain now before it starts to rain in Runescape

I think it should rain now before it starts to rain in Runescape

Our business is mostly an entertainment and technology studio. Around 250 of our 400 employees work in technical fields Old School RS Gold. This is because we create our own software. So we do a load of R&D, and the challenge for us was whether we could create a software package that would take our code and output it to an C# version for the 360, Wii and PS3.

This was the primary objective I had when I joined Jagex. When we realized this was possible, we were able to put our code into consoles. Although technically, it's possible, how does platform holders think about the free-to-play model. This is an excellent idea. This is precisely where we're facing difficulties at the moment. These are the topics that we're talking about with the platform owners.

My aim is that there will be a completely free game on every console available and we will keep the current free-to-play model. This is the right direction for the industry but it's not where they want it to be. Everything on WiiWare and PSN and XBLA, has a price tag.

So I believe that free-to-play games are likely to be charged a small fee, so you have to pay for the download and, if you wish to, pay to receive the premium version of the game. This is my current thought even though things are changing rapidly. But of course, my preference is to contact the companies in question Buy RuneScape Gold, telling them they must catch up with today's tastes and offer free games if you want to compete in this area.




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