The concept is to convince a spirit that is bad to
OSRS gold give up their armor voluntarily. The victim sets up a trade where they give the scammer their armor, hoping to return an updated version. Instead, the scammer runs and takes the armor. And that's how to have armor that is free. As tempting and easy as it seems, it's difficult to recommend actually running this scam. It that it has its own wiki page. As such, people that are seen offering armor are reported and penalized with long-term bans.
If trying to fool someone into handing over their armor isn't your forte, you can take it by force. Eliminating gamers, known in the sport as PKing, will cause them to drop a good deal of their things. This makes whatever goodies they were carrying are now yours to the taking.There are, needless to say, protections against this sort of thing. Otherwise the game could be individuals destroying each other in a battle for loot, anarchy. Sort of like that beginning sequence from Ready Player One but without all of the cameos. Players can publicly in the Wilderness.
The Wilderness is a portion of the RuneScape world where anyone can be attacked by anybody. There are also certain monsters and quests in the Wilderness. That means that, to progress in the game, everybody must brave the Wilderness. It also usually means that players have the perfect excuse to lure unsuspecting newbies. Before they know it, the new player is after their more powerful"friend" into a trap.
Fortunately, players who fulfill with their end at the Wilderness still have to maintain their three most valuable products. Players who attack another participant without provocation make a skull. Those who die with a skull drop everything, even their items. There are ways to deceive a player into giving themselves a skull, connected here and take.
This one is similar to"Free Armor Trimming" however is much simpler to pull away. The armor trimming suggestion usually requires the scammer to put on a costly set of armor, some sort of"illustration" of
how to get money on old school runescape their job. That might not be viable right away. The scam"Doubling Money" merely requires some excess gold, which makes it a scam which nearly anyone can do.