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Nice, how are you loading RS gold

Nice, how are you loading RS gold the 3D world on the server? I suppose you've got space checking with the ground and objects in the world? Isnt ita pain to programm all of this ontop :D Are you really going for"smaller servers" or do you want to implement layering or perhaps single shard servers, like eve or double universe? Have you ever made your mind on what type of combat system that you would like to execute yet? Tab goal or activity based, this restricts in the event that you use TCP or UDP I guess.

Sounds intriguing, but it is being killed by the Minecraft images to me. Honestly, Old School RuneScape appears mainly because things don't look blocky, simply lacking detail. Your characters are the worst, the world looks better than the characters. Other than that I like the 360o appearance of stuff, I can't tell if you WASD or utilize point-and-click, but either way, it feels reactive than RuneScape, that feels like a lagfest. I guess the UI will undergo a few changes.

My issue is that the blockyness, in my opinion it is a horrible art style for any game from SNES and NES games. That is my feedback, make the characters more around and shed the Minecraft graphics, you can agree with me or disagree, that's your decision, you submitted a movie of your job and probably desired comments, so that is mine, take it or leave it. It will be amusing when I get downvoted, since I am saying something negative, which can be still ON-TOPIC (as how Reddit upvote/downvote system works... maybe not downvoting comments you personally don't enjoy, as you are retarded).Game still runs on 6s tick engine, therefore all of this is occurring with up to 300ms additional latency (on top of whatever real latency you've got to the servers).Game began as a rewind of RS3 back to 2007, and only exists since Jagex's hand was forced by the huge popularity of a personal server running older versions of buy RuneScape gold.Significantly popular compared to RS3 - given the choice to play runescape significantly less 10 decades of updates by Jagex, a majority took it.



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