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Appreciate your OSRS Gold game


Appreciate your OSRS Gold game, bruh, and esteem that they actually listened to you guys, instead of shitposting.I agree, bots are everywhere. In f2p worlds all the source spots are botted. New runescape players might think that updating is the answer to solving this. Certainly people won't pay cash for membership just to bot, but sadly that is true and with bonds it's even simpler than ever.

One more thing which has never been enhanced is that the report system. I personally believe that some of these report motives options don't clarify anything, it appears with current articles such as that man being banned for PKing a streamer is considered harassment at how he killed them. How does someone be harassed by one at a pvp area? I understand if a person is continually following someone around a source place despite being much to share simply to prevent another runescape player from accepting it since it sounds"humorous".

What is harassment considered by the mods? Also verbal abuse? Runescape game includes a block button, runescape game has a filter for"no words" How can it be justified to ban someone for harassment/verbal abuse when there are multiple items in sport to prevent it. Block them, if you don't like what somebody is saying. If you don't like words, turn the filter.

Folks say"people shouldn't be toxic" But from what side of this coin are we looking at. Is the individual generally someone who is rude and dreadful or can it be somebody, like many who play runescape game.

Am I ought to be banned? No, what I am saying is that context is very important. They are going to vow in the person doing 19, if someone has been bugged in match. The offender definition by Jagex is quite unclear and"dull for offensive speech" could be telling somebody who has invested an hour tailing one to each stone crab to fuck off and get a life. Verbal abuse my bum. That is why there is a block button and the added filter helps a lot. Runescape game is meant buy RuneScape gold for the ages of 13 years and over. All of 13 year olds know that these words and most probably even use them from people too.

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