activated carbon for City water system. Pure Water. Clean Air. Better World. | Forum

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Rachel Li
Rachel Li Aug 30

The applications ofactivated carbonin urban water treatment systems are diverse and critical. Its efficient adsorption capacity makes it an effective means of removing various pollutants from water. The following are the main applications of activated carbon in urban water treatment systems:

1. Deep purification of drinking water

In the drinking water treatment process,activated carbonis often used in the deep purification stage to remove residual chlorine, organic matter, odor, color and some heavy metal ions in the water. Residual chlorine is a disinfectant residue commonly used in the disinfection process of tap water. Although it is harmless to the human body, it will affect the taste of the water.Activated carboncan quickly adsorb and remove residual chlorine, and at the same time absorb organic matter, pigments and odor substances in the water, such as pesticide residues, industrial pollutants, etc., thus improving the safety and taste of drinking water.

2. Wastewater treatment and reuse

In urban sewage treatment,activated carboncan be used in the secondary treatment or advanced treatment stage to help remove organic matter, suspended solids, colloidal particles and some heavy metal ions in sewage. Through adsorption, activated carbon can significantly reduce the COD (chemical oxygen demand), BOD (biological oxygen demand) and other indicators of sewage, and improve the biodegradability and effluent quality of sewage. In addition, activated carbon can also be combined with other sewage treatment technologies (such as biological treatment, membrane treatment, etc.) to form a more efficient sewage treatment process and realize resource utilization and reuse of sewage.

3. Industrial wastewater treatment

For different types of industrial wastewater, the applications ofactivated carbonare also different. For example, in printing and dyeing wastewater, activated carbon can effectively remove organic pollutants such as dyes and auxiliaries; in coking wastewater, activated carbon can adsorb and remove harmful substances such as phenols and cyanides; in pharmaceutical factory wastewater, activated carbon can remove antibiotics, Hormones and other biologically active substances. Through targeted selection and application of activated carbon, the pollution level of industrial wastewater can be significantly reduced, meeting emission standards or achieving recycling.

4. Emergency water treatment

In water pollution incidents caused by emergencies or natural disasters, activated carbon can be quickly deployed and used for emergency water treatment. Due to its fast adsorption speed and high efficiency,activated carboncan remove a large amount of pollutants in water in a short time and provide safe drinking water or emergency water for disaster areas.

The Forum post is edited by Rachel Li Aug 30