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james123 Jun 24 '19

While many fans will be planning themed parties to celebrate the arrival of the second installment of the Twilight series to movie theaters Aaron Rodgers Hoodie , you may be the more discerning fan who wants to do something more interesting with your own party. One thing that is becoming surprising popular is the Twilight Dinner Party. One of the biggest appeals of the Twilight series is that it gives fans in the relationship between Bella and Edward is its revival of old fashioned charm and elegance. Edward while looking like a normal modern day teenager is very much a child of the early 1900s. This sophistication is a major part of the series from the prom in Twilight to Bella and Edward’s wedding in Breaking Dawn. A Dinner party will give you the opportunity to bring out your inner Alice.

The first thing you need to think about when planning your dinner party is the invitations. While you can generally count on the people you ask to come to attend your event, the invitation still has the job catching their attention. You want to make their maybe become a firm yes. For the invitations you have several designs that you can draw from. One idea is to have pictures of the characters from the upcoming Twilight movie New Moon. This will be a great way to get everyone excited about the movie and tie it in to the theme of your dinner party. You can also keep it simple and go with an invitation based on the motifs on the covers of the Twilight novels.

Decorations are another part of your planning that is important. You want to make a statement with the look of your party venue. Since you are holding a dinner party the dcor will have some limitations. While you want your look to be dramatic you don’t want to loose the spirit of you dinner party which stresses elegance. Once again think like Alice Cullen and not like someone planning a Halloween party. A great place to start is your tables. This is where everyone is going to eat so this will need to have your primary focus. For marking seating you can have each setting have a place card. You can actually find some great ones online that are unique and one of kind if you know where to look. For centerpieces there are several creative options. You can use a floral arrangement of tulips as is reminiscent of the cover of New Moon. You can also go with photo centerpieces with more pictures of the cast of New Moon and Twilight in character.

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