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You don't have sufficient Kamas Dofus Retro

Admittedly, you're level 100, however, the treasure hunts have been nerve wracking? You don't have sufficient Kamas Dofus Retro to cover a Cra to get Korriandres catches to you? No problem! Here's the XP guide that will help you go from Level 100 into Level 200! This manual is obviously a collection of private tips, you're absolutely free to search in this vast Planet of Twelve your personal places and advantages, it is even recommended! In addition, varying areas and approaches to gain experience is surely advisable.

At first, some tips that can stay viable for your own farm XP up to your level 200. These aren't necessarily the most rewarding concerning time spent / expertise harvested, make your own observations according to your goal and your tastes Play everyday quests (Almanax, Dopeuls). This is a very interesting source of XP because it is going to help you to earn several successes. Dopples will allow you make XP and to easily win Doplons. Doing 18 classes daily is a huge plus over time. (If the moves look long, you may still invest in Temple Potions!)

Buy idols. If your purse is too light, it will be better to take idols usable in each struggle, therefore combos"fundamental" and little binding. Majors and majors are recommended, they will provide you more XP in the very long run, do not hesitate to place the cost if you are encouraged to level up! It is possible to cheap Dofus Kamas discover a non-exhaustive list and a presentation of some combinations.
Activity: Apr 29 '20