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WoW tokens will not destroy wow classic gold

If loot discuss makes it to wow classic gold the game, having a wow token will ruin the game completely.There will be auctions going on after someone obtains an product. You have the capability to buy items that are ingame with money. You promote players need also to be covetous and high value items. You market WoW Classic Gold farming generally that will inflate the market more than it does generally.

Disappointed with your own arguments. Pushback was not provided by you. You are able to find tea Candles's bad nu-wow arguments on r/WoW Classic, the forums, everywhere, which have always been rebutted. He does not like WoW Classic. 'equilibrium' is. He likes nu-WoW, that's cool, he can play there. We can't play anywhere but pservers, and that is the killer if they don't stick to the NoChanges philosophy. Perhaps not the RPG elements of each class/spec having its defects and flaws, or the duration of time that it takes to level, neither the original mechanics of bosses.

I didn't understand if that is the situation you played devil's advocate. There is no use. I will not, nor will all of the men and women who pushed for WoW Classic, want to play a frankenstein's monster of tokens,"course balancing" along with other nu-wow attributes mishmashed in using 1.12 ones. It is either NoChanges (the standard bulletpoints of what constitutes such) or bust. Individuals who like nu-WoW will not be satsified for this, nor will the audience who brought  buy gold classic wowthe subject of WoW Classic servers. Blizzard might be steered NoChanges, if folks rebel against deviations Which Were said and angrily loudly
Activity: Apr 29 '20