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Wonderful ploy to wow classic gold

Time gating the way that they time gate retail. Wonderful ploy to wow classic gold keep people subbed for an whole year at the same time you trickle raids and content into classic. Either way you'll be left with guilds running alt runs of Naxx along with all content wont matter. Attempting to force WoW Classic to sense just like vanilla is a stupid idea. It'll never be the same and I'm sure people will be amazed as hell waiting for new content to launch just like today in BFA.I love MMO's but WoW Classic wasn't my MMO when I was younger. I did play it ocasionally on and off on servers that are personal to try it out but never was my thing. I hear that the expansion is cancer although I wanted to buy it now. What's so great about vanilla which everyone enjoys? Might wait for that instead.

Who do you want them to do after a while of nax? Move on to TBC? I think they try to take a route that is creative with vanilla and keep making raids and need to stick with vanilla. Perhaps give people an option to move their personality to TBC for those people who want to keep going, but I think after investing so much time and attention into classic and when/if it succeeds, I would like it if they continued that layout philosophy.Now I know the whole nostalgia thing but can someone please explain why folks would not desire WoW Classic but using all the revamped images? Like change only the images (which are unarguably far better than Vanilla Graphics). Like imagine a version of Vanilla. Why are people against that? Just interested.

LoL at individuals who think they are going to relive the excellent old days.An MMO is equally as fantastic as its participant baseback when WoW Classic came out, the player base were a bunch of nerds that had great taste in games. (and so are inventive and content creators).Nowadays, most of those people have moved on with their lives, and today WoW Classic is going to be filled with WoW Classic enthusiasts, people who cant give up the past, along with some other blend of personalities. Nothing as cool and diverse as the original WoW Classic lunch per decade ago.I know I am prob going to receive a shit load of hate here. But I truly hope they maintain the new character models for timeless. I want classic to feel as though it did back in the day, but I dont need the versions. We have 12, like I'd like classic with cheap classic wow gold the enhanced graphics. If they are considering it tho idk.
Activity: Apr 29 '20