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  Madden NFL 22: Guide Tips for Attack and Defense

Madden NFL 22: Guide Tips for Attack and Defense

Although Mut 22 coins AI could be more difficult this year, the same tactics apply in the defense and offense. It's vital to be aware of any opponents trying to surround you or execute long-passing games. This can be accomplished by paying attention to hard flats and softsquats (with the cloud flats covering everything between).

There are often Man-to-man or 1v1 scenarios. The crucial factor to success is knowing how to defend. For the best defense, press Triangle or Y when the round starts. Press either of them again to select more options. It is then possible to choose your defenders to go against each attacking player.

Another helpful trick is shade coverage . Just hold Y/Triangle while pointing the right stick toward an area on the field. This lets you defend in 1v1 battles. Right flicks are most useful for guarding the outside - left flicking can protect the inside. Top flicks, just like their name suggests offering shade coverage in the highest areas, while flicking down will cover areas below.

If you are planning your game planning your attack, understanding all ways on the field and the ways your opponent plans to tackle them is key. Keep track of the location of your receivers and the places they could be. Corner routes remain viable strategies, but you should be careful not to overuse them. Play with different patterns and mix your play.

It may be tempting to go for the ball with your quarterback as much as possible to gain lots of yard coverage. However, it could cause more interceptions as well (along with making you regular). By using different strategies and playing with different tactics will assure success in the longer term. It's also not going to make sense to test different offensive playbooks in order to gain an advantage. To learn more about the most effective playbooks, go through our guide here.

madden coins is currently available for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC. Check out our review here to find out more information.
  • Created: Oct 24 '21
  • Admin: Skyzhay
Activity: Oct 26 '21