Evidence that OSRS Fire Cape
does remove the content... Old Bounty Hunter- Was one of the first
methods of pking, a large crater was created from space, and it smashed
all the wildy old pking sites like the big bone, and small bone yards
were destroyed; you can include the number in your post in case you've
read this long.
Pvp games- They have decreased the number of
worlds for pvp to two. DA tournaments- They've replaced the previous one
with a slicky crap that also fails to the same extent. Certain things
were affected by the updates. Shops for players- Players have their own
shops. This is the place where businesses could prosper and earn a lot
of cash. Running- used to be a great method to earn money, natures and
laws, etc
Duel Arena- Previously, a way for people to bet and bet
big, or lose huge. Trading- Self explanatory. Pking- Self-explanatory.
Merchanting- It is still feasible to do this. It's still feasible
however it's not good enough. Trading hotspots such as Varrock, Falador
and all five of the worlds were always packed with traders from
different regions.
My brain has just been bursting with ideas
about ways to teach multiple skills to 99 people while making a huge
profit. I have a goal of creating 100k+ yew-longbows by hand and then
receiving 99 Woodcutting, Fletching and Mage. It is my responsibility to
acquire the following "supplies".
When I have all my items in my
possession, I will flytch my 100k+ longbows. Then I will then high-alch
my longbows. After a hard job I'll be rewarded with 70+ mil, three 99's
and a nice reward. I am interested in your opinion regarding my goals.
Do you think it's a good goal? Or if it's an "In Your dreams", "Your out
freakinyour mind" kind of goal? I'd like to hear your comments. I'm not
sure how long it will take. It could take up to four months...
This is Why You Should Start
here to share the advantages of being a beggar. It's not going to be
very useful initially, but it will get simpler once you have met an
honest person. Benefits: You won't receive any new combat statistics by
begging. whats good is that you'll have a variety of options and dont
get bored as you can beg wherever.
I can Buy OSRS Accounts
you that by 99,, you will possess the most proficient typing skills and
enough money to buy an yak (not charms). High leveled beggers can get
you riches such as 42gp as well as the leather boots. you dont even have
to be a professional because most of your clients are able to offer
back massages if they are an expert.