Group Info

Goals in life


People with goals are worried about striving, people without direction just like to have fun, because they don't know where to go.

People with goals are always grateful, people without direction will always complain, because they feel the world is not good for them.

People with goals live soberly, people with no direction just like to sleep, because if they wake up, they don't know what to do.

Give life a dream, give dreams a way, give the road a direction. Even if you fall, you will find a way to get up, if you are injured, seek treatment.

Life, only action will bring results, there's no such thing as sitting around, but the splendor comes by itself. Complaining is a form of weakness. Effort is the attitude that should be in life, a sure expression of strength.

Do you want to be a softie or a powerful person?

Viewmore: abenla

  • Created: Sep 29 '21
  • Admin: Vy
Activity: Oct 25 '21