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 It was never supposed to have continuous events to keep you

It was never supposed to have continuous events to keep you

Having said that reading through this thread highlights exactly how different a few players interests in Animal Crossing Bells this sport are. I see a few who desire"brand new gameplay" (I suppose activities and minigames), others who desire convenience improvements, and others that want upgrades/expansions on present functions such as the shop/museum, along with others who want new furniture options etc..

I kind of wish the game had been given more time before release so a few of those features would have been on day one (and so that each update didn't feel like playing catch-up into New Leaf). It is not like that is a poor entrance, but in looking at the sheer number of items in New Leaf by contrast it can be a difficult pill to swallow.Yeah I only play it bit by bit, I don't understand how my gf performs it as long as she does, but I'm just happy she's gambling, I play with it a bit on the job, amass some shit sell it watch the stores if there's any clothes and I'm pretty much done for the day.

I'd get burnt out, especially once I ended terraforming my island the way I desired it, made areas, placed buildings in their respective areas. I could always improve and add stuff, but I am sick of my island. 1 day after summer began, I just discovered that I was not playing anymore.

To begin a new one is too daunting, understanding that I have to spend the exact same time to get there.The problem is also that individuals spent a lot of their time on a single game instead of other games or hobbies. Not cool when people complain about not having more to do after spending 1k hours to the match already. Notably those who struck the hundreds after a month or two.I just can't for the Life Span of me pick it back up again after 400 hours performed since launch lol

People who hurried through the game, got all of the current items they desired, or finished their island are mostly the ones they are bored. And of course the ones with completed islands are not satisfied with the gameplay, I am only talking about a section of those individuals.

It's a slow paced lifestyle game. It was never supposed to have continuous events to keep you amused every week with fresh items such as Pocket Camp.I got over 100 hours logged and I have to buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells repay my loan, finish the memorial, achieve my perfect landscaping and get gold flowers.
  • Created: Nov 17 '20
  • Admin: chen
Activity: Mar 14 '21