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There are a few items that never got fixed

There are a few items that never got fixed

Players dont clip to 2K21 MT each other as much anymore. There are a few items that never got fixed, like the hair respawning constantly during cutscenes and hair physics that disappear on arbitrary cheer leaders.

As someone who played 2k20 vividly, players clip through each other nonstop. The thing that I notice about 2k20 is that the clipping is inconsequential. Peoples arms can clip into a person's torso while covering, but nothing compared to 2k19 at which you can knock the ball out of a person's hand while they're dunking by pushing your hand directly through their face at the ball. I simply got a sneak in my career this morning by cutting somebody's knee to smack the ball. I have definitely been obstructed through the back of my players head opting for dunks too.

Their Best-selling 2k21 had unlimited demo time

Honestly, who cares if they do? The sort of person who is gonna do this was never going to devote full retail cost on the match anyways. How is this idea even being circulated about that sub? Because that is just what I did with matches I did not want to buy. Congrats. Still not the motive. Then what would you think the reason is? Couldn't tell you. Their very best selling 2ks had unlimited demo time so its just not your concept. Perhaps they want to maintain it timed to shroud how shitty their game is. Not sure.

Its because they do not want you experiencing over and above how garbage it's. Have we attained the generation that never installed demo games from PC magazines? Only ones I have ran into with limitations is 2k this new generation. I have played a ton of Xbox a single demos and have not ran into any one of them using a limit besides 2k. I know EA gives you 8 hours confident but they provide you the complete match for 8 hours.

Didn't the older demo discs only give you enjoy one or two levels to play? You cant alter the dribble moves, cant equip contact dunks, the AI fucking triple groups you lmao. They needed to copy and paste all the timeout cut cartoons they force you to watch til 55 seconds left bro lol. It's a patch not a demonstration. Let's not forget that once you've set up the 35Gb game, then sits you on a screen you can only shoot until the match is"loaded" for an buy NBA 2K21 MT Coins hour.
  • Created: Sep 23 '20
  • Admin: chen
Activity: Mar 14 '21