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I stopped purchasing NBA 2K

It always amazes me just how much this community hates everything out the Park. Not 2k18 that was crap concur, NBA MT Coins was bad, I enjoyed it a bit sometimes, but they place before every NBA game? I would enjoy mycareer story if it didn't impeed you. When you have to grind through one gamemode to get into another, I don't like. I particularly despise having to grind one gamemode to acquire great in a different. It would be much better if park matches that are grinding obtained you badges / VC to use in park.

It is not about playground dude, we want to hoop. I am not buying a BB video sport to see 1000 cutscenes, I have films for that. I just want to play with my games go to the clinic facility and that is it. I don't mind the postgames interviews and an occasionnal cutscene but this prelude sh*t is out this out world in duration of uselesness in a BB movie game. The cut scenes are what make the game more realistic. You understand what was boring back in the 2k days? Playing career game after career game. Hundreds of matches in a row on your player is performing on the staff in the league or even off the court with no feedback.

It was"just hoop". This isn't even the end of this first month of this game. Obviously everybody wants to grind and get badges. I am quite happy that we're able to hold A to skip cut scenes. I wish we can hold Y and bypass everything at once but we have made significant progress in that respect. I hate the stories. I miss those days when you would go game and secure post match interviews. I thought it was realistic when you would only play rather than having the story walk your through to your very first season. I stopped purchasing NBA 2K after you became Freq and did that ass shake dance.

Was so goddamn annoying that his passing was a relief that is fucking. If they could just make a mode in which you play in school or whatever and earn your spot in the draft (or even d-league) then focus on playing from game to game which would be nice. I'd agree if they did not always make you and looked realistic. Can't I think of Zion? I could do with that, although I am really curious how many ppl really want a narrative within the match. Probably over the community since there are alot. Put more focus to buy mt coins into the generational bugs and glitches, toning on those"scripted" animations, along with other characteristics of the game play that could be better.
Activity: Jul 10 '20