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Guthix uses to go to RS places

The fact that Skargoroth could not kill Tuska with an elder artefact is proof enough OSRS gold that she is a pretty powerful god, but it is also really hard to judge since the lore was thrown out of the window with the entire world occasion. Apparently Skargoroth, Tuska, Armadyl, Saradomin and Zamorak (although not Bandos until after the Chosen Commander pursuit ) were on the same Tier prior to the 6th Age, but Skargoroth was Not Able to kill Tuska despite having an Elder Artefact. Vorago ends up nuking her from orbit (was not around for the case, didn't understand the details) while the other gods didn't really contribute? Pretty dumb. At the minimum, they could have experienced the gods provide some help to Vorago, who is still another personality with rather shitty lore.

Honestly when I made that article, I had stated Tuska was murdered by Guthix, and the electricity transferred to Guthix, but that I misremembered, clearly lmao. So I made an assumption some electricity went to Guthix from that, as that sword seemed to siphon the energy from Skargaroth and I kinda marginally get the feeling Tuska gave some, cause let's face it, Skargaroth ai not a tier 2 god, so how did Guthix get to there? Tuska is (as far as I recall) a grade 4 god.In regards to your remark about nothing regarding any elder artefacts being able to siphon, I have to remind you, the Staff of Armadyl can also be known as the siphon and I would be entering some serious spoilers territory to the end of Sliskes Endgame/The World Wakes when I spoke any further.

Guthix utilized multiple artefacts to form Gielinor and so imbibed himself with a number of the ability of those artifacts. He then slept within the planet, becoming immensely powerful with the anima of the planet. I can not remember if it was my theory or if I read this somewhere but Guthix was maintaining the anima away from the Elder Gods to stop them or their eggs. That's why he employs the World Guardian. After Lumbridge Battle Saradomin ascends one Tier in electricity, he drops after Chosen Commander.

Yeah, the team is your siphon, but no one that we know has managed to siphon the power out of a being without killing them, right? Tarshak into V, Armadyl to whoever on his world, Zamorak to Zaros (Destroyed his kind and shipped him back to subdue ), Sliske to Guthix, subsequently Sliske stabs himself to siphon himself into the Runescape player. In any case, that is what the staff was for, it was a siphon. The sword allows the consumer to travel between dimensions to buy rs 3 gold that Guthix uses to go to places. He also used pieces of the sword to leave portals according to the wiki. Finally, it is stated that the sword's actual purpose is dividing things cleanly, as opposed to the siphon that's used to fuse things.
Activity: Jul 10 '20