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It's incredibly nostalgic for RS gold

I have such an odd connection with OSRS. It's incredibly nostalgic for RS gold, and as others have expressed, I absolutely love the art design and songs. However, because a predominately casual player these days it just feels difficult to be relevant at all--"keeping up" is of course from the question. The last go around I felt an exaggeration and went back to it I just remember getting sad when I ran the numbers for long doing xyz task would take me, and how many times my lame casual ass would take to achieve it. Even dedicating 100% of my gaming time (that I am increasingly reluctant to do as I get older) daily so many things just seem out of reach.

OSRS is one of those MMO. I attribute me on it not being able to get into games like WoW. One is a themepark, you is a sandbox and I mean, they are very different adventures. The only real similarities is that they feature a world and participant trading. And the participant trading is like a very surface level.

Ive played runescape before but I dont undrstand what is fascinating about runescape? Everything appears repetitive and you also do same exact things for days such as mining for exp, cut on trees for hours, kill some mobs, replicate. Till you kill somebody like using one ability pvp battle is. I dont find it fun at all. Why?

I've tried getting my buddies into the game and they say the same thing. Like what's the point of standing at a stone for hundreds of hours. Dude I can't answer runescape 2007 gold. Once you actually reach what you were working towards, seeing my experience go up and understand that I am working towards a goal is simply amazing.
Activity: Apr 29 '20