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Thank you for buy rs 3 gold your


Thank you for buy rs 3 gold your contribution. I agree with everything you've said. It's crazy how small fresh content comes out to get a game such as this. Approximately 1 major update a year? At the moment theyre essentially pushing crafting II down our throats. Or what is it called? Wizardrobery? While they have a ton of income every year of the games. (Yes I added RS3)

Why are there so many updates for iron memers? It's good you're making the runescape game more playable for them. However, imo the wonderful thing about runescape is teaming up with your friends and taking down the challenges together. Just having fun. Yes raids were amazing if they came out but because it takes so damn long to get a new one most dedicated raiders will have done both over 500 days and crave a fresh challenge.

IN MY OPINION deadman mode started out fantastic, it was the most fun I have had in runescape in history, but fast turning down into A clan-dominated-play 20hours a day-grind festival simply to get rekt to your bank due to a door that won't open for you. To be followed with a donation to one of the clans. Atleast that the 1v1s where fun to observe.

Your devs have thoughts, not always but a good deal of the time. The mid level dungeon is really good. Fits the subject, fun to research, adds a new thing that was somewhat needed. Karuulm with all the farming guild was fantastic, bit small but good. Dragon s II. More importantly please. It would be awesome if something'godwars' such as will come out.

The largest reason I stopped playing with Warframe was that the steady growth in matters like this. As soon as I playedI could grind and grind to get a warframe by combating precisely the identical boss over and over, gather all of the materials, do each the quests and other items to finally get the resources together, and my reward has been"Okay, you're all set! Four days, now wait. Or cover us. It is your decision, you buy RS gold don't have to, but it's right here for you if you do."

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Activity: May 21 '20