Vape ‘Starter Kit’ Sales Up by 30% Due to Covid-19 Lockdown | Forum

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xysoom Nov 15 '20

While the business has taken a significant hit with its 11 Vapo stores closed nationwide, sales of Alt and Vapo Haiz starter kits, including pens, pods and e-liquids, have gone up via online stores or supermarkets, service stations, and convenience retailers.To get more news about Unico Vape Kit, you can visit univapo official website.

“We’ve really noticed a big increase in our Alt and Vapo Haiz starter kit sales. Our call centre is reporting that many smokers are using this time to quit tobacco so are seeking advice and turning to considerably safer and cost-effective vape products more than ever,” said co-owner Ben Pryor.
“There are a few things at play here. People are quitting cigarettes because of their sheer cost and the increasing pressure many household budgets are now under. At the same time, the threat of Covid-19 has made many smokers more cognisant of their respiratory health and smoking’s second-hand effects on others in their bubble,” he added.

The business owner added that with the Health Select Committee due to report back to Parliament by the 2nd of June on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill, MPs need to consider the important role that vaping plays in reducing smoking rates. And this has never been more of an important factor as it is now during the current lockdown period.

“About 5,000 Kiwis die from smoking-related illnesses every year. Whereas not one New Zealander has ever died from a vaping-related death, let alone a reported hospitalisation. Without doubt, Covid-19 is providing Kiwis a unique opportunity to quit smoking, with many now turning to vaping for their nicotine fix.”

“This is a timely reminder that any new vaping regulations must continue to encourage and enable smokers to make that switch,” added Pryor.Meanwhile, a partnership between the two vape companies and recycling giant TerraCycle, means that vapers are now able to responsibly dispose of their e-cig waste from the comfort of their own homes.

The first phase of the innovative program launched by Vapo, Alt New Zealand and TerraCycle, enabled vapers across New Zealand to drop off their e-cig waste at any Vapo store in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Nelson.
