TB-500 is a synthetic fraction of the protein thymosin beta-4, which is present in virtually all human and animal cells. The main purpose of this peptide is to promote healing. It also promotes creation of new blood and muscle cells. The healing effects of TB-500 have been observed in tendons, ligaments, muscle, skin, heart, and the eyes. Thymosin beta-4 is naturally produced in higher concentration where tissue has been damaged. This peptide is also a very potent anti-inflamatory agent. Thymosin beta 4 acetate powder
Increases in bone density
Type of water to be used with TB-500:
Plain sterile water is the most suitable diluent for TB-500.
Alternatively it can be reconstituted with sterile saline (0.9% NaCl) or
sterile bacteriostatic water (0.9% sodium chloride). Plain sterile
water should be readily available to buy without prescription in any
local pharmacy. Alternatively it can also be purchased online. It is
even available on ebay.
TB-500 Injection spot and procedure:
The tb-500 has a systematic effect regardless of where it is injected.
Some believe that thymosin beta-4 should be injected as close to the
injury as possible however there is no evidence to show this would be
superior. It can be injected subcutaneously (stomach fat) or
intramuscularly (shoulders, thighs, buttocks). Injections should be
given in different sites (rotated) each time. Depending on the spot, you
can either feel nothing or you can feel slight pain - you will learn
your favorite spots in time.
Prior to injecting clean the injection spot as well as the vial
rubberstopper with an alcohol swab. Make sure there are no air bubbles
in the syringe. For subcutaneous injection fully insert the needle at an
45 degree angle, for intramuscular insert it at 90 degrees angle.
TB-500 dosage and cycle duration:
Dosage depends on the purpose and severity of the injury / damage you
are treating. People generally use between 4 to 8 mg of TB500 per week
during the initial (loading) period of 4 to 6 weeks. Afterwards some opt
to maintain the effects with a low 2 to 6 mg dose once every 2 weeks.
The effects of TB-500 wear off within 2 - 3 weeks of injection.