Are nootropics safe?” When Romanian neuroscientist Corneliu E. Giurgea
first coined the term nootropic, there was no question of safety.
Giurgea specified that true brain-boosting nootropics must have very few
side effects and extremely low toxicity. In other words, by definition
nootropics are safe.
However, a few supplements may not meet the safe cognitive enhancer
criteria, but are still called nootropics. Harsh nootropic combinations,
megadosing and low-quality manufacturing may also create additional
safety concerns.Nootropics Powder
So how can you find true nootropics that are safe, healthy and effective
for the brain? This guide discusses steps you can take to maximize
brainpower benefits and minimize risks with the safest nootropics.
Determining nootropic safety is more complex than it may seem. First
off, nootropics are classified as nutritional supplements. Unlike
pharmaceutical drugs, nootropic supplements do not have to undergo
clinical trials demonstrating their safety before being sold:[1]
Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important aspects of safe
nootropic sourcing and formulation — and discuss how you can use these
points to identify safe, effective brain supplements.
Research-backed safety
The best way to verify a nootropic’s safety is with human clinical
trials. When nootropics are administered in a clinical setting over an
extended period of time, researchers can record any side effects and
adverse events, as well as noting any safety concerns.
As a whole, nootropics’ research-backed safety profile is excellent.
Of course, research-backed safety is not the same as research-backed
effectiveness. While the vast majority of nootropic compounds in the
world have been shown to be safe in human research, there are far fewer
nootropics shown to be safe and effective.When nootropic ingredients are
presented in higher-quality forms, their safety may improve. Examples
of advanced nootropic forms with safety advantages include:
Branded nootropics, recognized by a registered trademark (®), may
feature patented processes that reduce side effects and improve safety.
Many branded nootropics also have human clinical research demonstrating
Standardized nootropic herbs are safe and reliable because they are
calibrated to an exact percentage of active ingredient. In some cases, a
nootropic herb’s standardization matches clinical research studies that
have demonstrated safety.
In general, higher-end nootropic forms pay closer attention to quality in a way that may enhance their safety profile.