This class will feature the most powerful weaponry available on War Thunder


Date & time Jul 2 '18
Creator xingwang

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Break the silence of the Arctic Ocean with the thunder of War Thunder Golden Eagles exploding torpedoes and nuclear reactors in the new tactical anti-submarine fighting game Silent Thunder, open playable this weekend.

This class will feature the most powerful weaponry available on War Thunder to date. Their sheer size and destructive power will make them the centerpiece of any naval battle, which at the same time gives great power and responsibility to cruiser captains.

The first two light cruisers in the game are the British HMS Enterprise of the Emerald class and the Italian Bartolomeo Colleoni of the Guissano class. The HMS Enterprise provides a maximum speed of up to 33 knots, has good armor protection and is equipped with seven 15.2cm main guns. It also has a variety of anti-aircraft guns, machine guns and even torpedo launchers. The Bartolomeo Colleoni is slightly faster at 37 knots and outperforms the HMS Enterprise significantly in terms of ballistic armament, as it is equipped with eight 15.2cm main guns and six 10cm long-range guns. For it loses with a maximum armor thickness of 24mm compared to the 76.4mm of the British ship significantly on armor protection. Captains of Bartolomeo Colleoni will also have to keep an eye on the sky as their air defense is much weaker than that of HMS Enterprise. The latter, however, has no less plans for brave torpedo bombers, as it can only move slowly compared to the Italian ship.


The Wall

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