My eyes darted on a sign reminding me


Date & time Jun 22 '18
Creator xingwang

Who's attending



I went on a trip to New York City this past weekend, and I saw this as an opportunity to use my Switch console the way Nintendo wanted me to. My Amtrak trip was running over the scheduled two hours, so I jumped into some newly-acquired titles I had been enjoying. You can imagine my ecstasy as I played the full L.A. Noire experience on the train. After cracking a couple of cases, I glanced at the Rocket League icon on my Switch home menu. My eyes darted on a sign reminding me that wifi was available on the train. Maybe, just maybe, I thought, something could be done with this.

I successfully connected my Switch to Crates Rocket League the Amtrak wifi network, and booted up the game, being greeted with that familiar Euro-trash techno music in the menu. Within a few minutes, I found myself in an online game.Unless the game added a new teleportation feature, the cars were lagging all over the goddamn place, in a soccer field that felt like it was replaced by an ice rink. It could be say that this ran like a dream, but only if that dream is a complete and total nightmare. Somehow, I scored two goals within a couple of minutes—and I’m not even that good at this game. Of course, Amtrak is to blame for the connection issues (or perhaps I was to blame for expecting anything more), but it is hard to deny that this unlocks some huge possibilities. Imagine playing a blockbuster videogame like Overwatch or Call of Duty online, but on a handheld and outside of your home. The future was looking pretty darn cool.


The Wall

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