If you are coming to Phantasy Star Online 2


Date & time May 11 '20
Creator Megaomgchen

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If you are coming to Phantasy Star Online 2 as a beginner and are just hoping to get your feet wet while you learn to Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta play you may choose to choose between the Braver, the Hunter, or the Summoner. It is also worth noting here that the Fighter, Gunner, and Techer classes aren't selectable when developing a personality, but are instantly available at the course counter as soon as you finish the prologue and start Phantasy Star Online 2.

The Braver is a class that can change with its two weapons that are different between long distance and brief strikes. Employing the katana their enemies can be slashed by that the Braver. An ability which makes the Braver invulnerable for 20 minutes with the katana out makes this a safe option for players looking to get accustomed to how combat flows in PSO2. Is a bow. The bow is a long-range weapon that lets you do substantial chunks of harm to your foes from a position.

It wouldn't be advised Even though you can play using only one of the Braver's weapons. Using weapon palettes you can switch between the katana and bow on the fly. As you master every weapon you'll find yourself with a tool at your disposal for any situation that arises. The Braver can be easy to approach but also includes a lot to learn as soon as you understand just how Phantasy Star Online 2 works so there is no need to be shy about starting with this"beginner" class.

The Hunter is a melee class of mitigating loads of harm while churns out it themselves capable. Phantasy Star Online 2 does not adhere to classic class archetypes(Tank/DPS/Healer) and rather relies on every course having the ability to support itself with harm. That having been said, the Hunter is the most capable front line fighter among the PSO2 classes.Even though they can absorb a great deal of damage they could still clear out waves of enemies quickly. Hunters may use swords, partizans, and buy PSO2 Meseta lances. Each weapon offers a different set of abilities but overall slower attacks that can do damage are utilized by that the Hunter.

The Wall

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