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I don't think there was RS gold

Let's be honest, I don't think there was RS gold any true sick intent giving this poor guy a little gold to feed his family. Sure there are different steps that could have been taken so he can move money straight but it's also possible he wasn't thinking of these steps at the moment. Let's not try and paint him as this bad person who"inderectly affirms" these items when we do not understand all the details of the narrative. I'm giving this guy the benefit of the doubt and I think you should also for helping this poor guy in need.

. I can tell they r like 80% that do this and they r most of the time green dragon or revenant farmers... And the other 20% drama to help their family like myself, to not much now cuz we're great today. . My first acc got ban couple of months ago but with this acc literally I could help my loved ones A LOT!!! And I dont repent get ban for it I know is against the jagex rules... Today I got another acc almost max cb and trying to perform cox and tob:D... Dont all of venezuelans only farm or use bot on green dragons or revenants simply saying LOL.

It doesn't really matter, it is stinks they're at the situation but it doesn't offer you a right to trample over others or to break rules. Jagex has the right to make it and anyone would take action if it meant success (nobody would starve over selling runescape gold) but you're responsible for your activities. If you break the rules and your account becomes terminated that's just part of the game you are playing. I don't believe an exception must be made.Interesting that he wasn't willing to share what the cut ratio is between him and the worker. I would definitely still think about this exploitation when the owners are carrying over 50%. Indeed it's supposedly giving them an opportunity to cheap RuneScape gold earn decent money but the fact he wasn't keen to split the% cut probably means that the owners are profiting more for only giving the service.



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