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 It is really tough to wrap yourself up in the non-concrete aims of the game

It is really tough to wrap yourself up in the non-concrete aims of the game

Chalk it up to bad luck if you like but I shouldn't be pushed from wanting to play because the decor items I got did not match each other following months of Animal Crossing Items playing, I mean that's just nuts at a match such as this it sucked. Like I bet you will find a Lot of really cool things but I never saw them

It is really tough to wrap yourself up in the non-concrete aims of the game. Terraforming your island is tedious, the villagers are flatter than ever, along with the crafting is just annoying.

Watching my wife play is the most bothersome thing. She's made this wonderful island, but nearly none of it's functional. I find it crazy that a huge game like RDR2 can have such a lively and interactive open world, yet a comparatively confined game such as AC has almost none of this.

Nintendo generally is really bad at delivering amazing matches with half baked features. The gloss is off the charts, but sometimes I truly wonder if they really perform their own games sometimes.

Yes, let's not overlook that the thrilling gameplay of crafting fish bait one , or being unable to access your own storage to craft from. What about having all these un-interactable products?

Too bad not one single game in history has done crafting nicely that Nintendo could learn from.

Nothing you really said is a devolution from NH but something thats been occurring since the second game. After 3 games I dont think its happening.

All these are verbatim the same reasons I stopped playing the buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles Ticket sport. I believed I was the only bloody one.
  • Created: Nov 7 '20
  • Admin: chen
Activity: Mar 14 '21